Heerlen (NL) is marked by a number of degenerated areas due to the collapse of the mining industry in the Limburg region. To foster social and urban regeneration in these areas the municipality uses community art as a tool to engage (...)
The revitalization of the Ksiezy Mlyn area has performed as a comprehensive renewal of a historic area of 6.5 hectares. There are 25 multi-dwelling buildings in the area, all built in the 1870s and ‘80s for factory workers and (...)
The project aimed for the re-use of urban green areas, overseen by the municipality of Macerata (IT), encouraging participatory methodologies and integration. It relates to Quartiere Pace, a neighbourhood with a high number of (...)
From 2007 to 2013, the city of Murcia (ES) has developed an urban project which consists of the regeneration of the Espíritu Santo district using an integrated approach. The approach has been carried out in 3 strategic (...)
The problems of ageing, young people moving away and urban poverty are huge challenges in Kazincbarcika, one of Hungary's most underdeveloped regions. As a solution, a club of elderly people volunteered to help the young. The (...)
Today, the formerly booming industrial town Casoria, next to Naples, is in crisis. Several industries have relocated their factories, many shopping centres are struggling, there is a lot of vacant office space and services have been (...)
Located in the southern part of Düsseldorf’s fringe, Garath is a typical housing project district of the 1960s and ’70s. Garath faces specific challenges: the district is home to 18,730 inhabitants, of whom 11% are (...)
There is an old military domain in Casoria for which the municipality’s structure plan envisions a future park.
Instead of starting to design this park behind a desk with landscape experts, Casoria invited (...)