The Wellington Rooms, a grade II listed building – originally used for high society dance balls and latterly as the city’s Irish Centre – was closed in 1997 and subsequent regeneration proposals have failed to get off (...) is the largest regularly updated online inventory (website and app) about vacant business premises for sale or rent in Brussels. It is accessed by 200.000 people a year free of charge and informs over 2.000 (...)
The city of Naples, based on the urban commons regulation, initiated a participative process with citizens and neighbourhood organisations to reactive the abandoned military hospital to the “Community Hub Trinità – Active (...)
The city of Brussels has developed three main activities to find out abandoned and unoccupied buildings for a systematic inventory of vacant buildings. The database assembles relevant information about these buildings and provides a geographic (...)
Concept of Temporary use has existed in Ostrava but on non-official, bottom-up basis. It was a functional model to certain extend. The city has not been involved and temporary use has not been recognized as urban development (...)
Confronted with social challenges, like increasing number of elderly, disabled people, and children whose parents work abroad, the City of Vaslui (RO) started a comprehensive process of rehabilitation of six of the former power plants (...)